As our Kohlrabi plants grows and gets bigger, it is adding biomass. Photosynthesis uses
Carbon Dioxide, Nitrogen, water, and sunlight to create food for the plant. The Kohlrabi
uses the Carbon Dioxide to create glucose (sugar) providing it with energy. Cellular
Respiration is the exact opposite of this process and after complete, it lets out Carbon
Dioxide in which will be again used in photosynthesis. Cell Division is the main part of
adding biomass. As the cells divide, the plant slowly increases in size because new cells
are constantly being created. Using mitosis, the cells divide through five steps resulting with
the plants growing at a steady pace.
During the process of photosynthesis, enzymes are often used to speed up the reaction. Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) and ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) are two very important enzymes used in photosynthesis. As more cells are created, more of these enzymes are as well and to create more, a message is sent to the nucleus. Enzymes are a type of protein and because of that, with the help of a ribosome, they are created in each cell. The DNA has to split and find its complementary RNA strand. Afterwards, the messenger RNA moves itself out of the nucleus and into the cytoplasm in which it splits into groups of three creating codons. mRNA and tRNA are complementary to each other. The tRNA forms an anticodon to compliment the RNA’s. This helps to connect to the ribosome so that it can transcript correctly. Each and every combination of codons creates a specific amino acid. The start signal is Methionine and it will eventually reach a stop signal and when that occurs, the polypeptide chain will have been completed. The chain is now a protein and in some cases, it’s a enzyme which can be used in photosynthesis.
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