Thursday, December 14, 2017

Blogpost #4 (by Maya Lewis)

Blogspot #4

The kohlrabi plant need both abiotic and biotic factors for its survival. Abiotic factors the kohlrabi needs are water, sunlight, and soil in which will allow it to grow. While the kohlrabi needs all three of these to survive, it also needs biotic factors like decomposers to help make the soil suitable to grow in. But, not all biotic factors contribute to the well-being of the plant. Bugs eat at the leaves of the plant, while other plants around the kohlrabi create competition for much needed resources, like sunlight, making it harder for the kohlrabi to grow to its fullest potential. With other plants being in such close proximity to the Kohlrabi, it's obvious that the kohlrabi is also competing with other plants for space and water. In plant competition the 'winners' are the plants that get the most resources needed to survive and flourish, while the 'losers' are the ones the resources are being taken from by their competition. 'Winners' and 'losers' aren't always so distinctively identified because even though one plant may be 'losing' to another both still can survive. Plants and bugs are another interaction. For some bugs, plants are their main source of nutrition. The bug benefits from this, while the plant doesn't. Plants also have interaction with bacteria. They participate in mutualism. The plant provides a home for the bacteria and the bacteria helps to get the plant the nutrition it needs. There is evidence of secondary succession occurring because the garden already has an environment thriving on it and new plants continue to reproduce and grow.

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