Thursday, September 28, 2017

Brief Bio of Maya Lewis

My name is Maya Lewis. I am originally from San Jose, California. I have gardened and grown food before. My mom, sister, and I move around a lot, but we always make sure we have some sort of garden. Some of the plants in my past gardens include basil, eggplant, tomatoes etc. What I remember about the experiences is always eating basil straight out of the pot. My maternal grandma gardened a lot before she had a stroke. She lives in Newark, California. Her garden is extensive. It has persimmons, pomegranates, almonds, grapes, etc. She would always pick them when they were ripe and give us bagfuls of fruit when we came over to her house. My mom also used the vegetables and fruits she grew to cook us healthy, homemade meals when my sister and I were younger.

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