About Our Project

             The purpose of our project was to find out how many kohlrabi seeds would germinate if we put seven seeds in five different plants. The project is throughout the entire year, and our table was assigned the Brassica olracea to grow and germinate. Unfortunately, our group misplaced our materials, so we used improvised items we thought would affect the growth of the Kohlrabi in one way or another. We waited until the plant had grown almost out of the cups before we transported them to the school garden. Each of the cups containing the seeds had an item added to it; crushed goldfish, graham crackers, hand sanitizer, and pencil shavings. The last cup was just kohlrabi seeds, and turned out having the most seeds germinated. Kohlrabi itself isn't a root vegetable, since it is similar to broccoli or cabbage. People grow kohlrabi in various seasons depending on the climate where they live but it takes roughly two months to reach maturity. Kohlrabi can be eaten raw or cooked.

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